Man,you fuckers are so self absorbed. This election is the "immigration and Dobbs and inflation " election. Ignore any of these topics without a portfolio that deals with them comprehesively will only yield significant midterm losses and the next iteration of Trumpism carried out by the Tom Cottons',Desatiss' of today ..these pols are far worse than anything Trump is.

Yes,I'm aware that inflation, employment/unemployment targets are more Fed policy related .

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It is "self absorbed" to care about policy challenges (e.g. health care, housing) impacting the well-being and welfare of all Americans?

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You think there's enough voters without the voting immigrant/mixed language community to take down the GOP in a polarized environment?

You're obviously poorly informed as to the political proclivities of what is collectively the largest nonwhite voting demographic in this country.

Keep sniffing your rectum..

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None of those policy changes will sustain themselves without the electoral ability to ward of the GOP.

And until immigration reform, Dobbs,are taken care of by congressional legislation ...nothing matters.

Turnout will collapse 2026...and the same story we experienced these last two decades will unfold.

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These immigrants are just as American as you are.

They just lack paperwork which you got because your mom's pussy spat you out within a set of geospatial coordinates that we call the US.

They also happen to have relatives, friends who are just as American as you are.

So,quit your self righteous posturing motherfucker.

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