Take a Few Minutes and Listen to Jared Polis
The Colorado governor said that a non-Trump GOP nominee might turn his state red.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis isn’t really an attention-seeking politician, so you might have missed this fascinating interview with one of the nation’s most popular governors on NBC’s online streaming network. It’s short, concise, and worth five minutes of your time.
After declaring his love of baseball, Polis was asked if he loves the game of politics just as much and responded, “I like more the results from politics.” In a country where prominent politicians sometimes struggle to deliver results, it was a refreshing answer.
Polis went on to talk about the need for more civility in U.S. politics:
Baseball has a lot of unwritten rules of civility that people play by, and I think that we need more of that civility between opposing teams in our political system, too.
Polis recently launched an initiative focused on promoting civility in politics — “disagree better” — with Utah’s Republican governor.
Perhaps his most intriguing answer, however, was in response to being asked about the consequences for Colorado of a non-Trump GOP nominee running against Joe Biden:
As a Democrat, we hope that Donald Trump is the nominee, but as an American we hope that Donald Trump is not the nominee. So, I, as an American, obviously country above party, hope that it's somebody else.
Polis seems to suggest that only Trump would guarantee Colorado is blue for Biden, but that he’d prefer, for the good of the country, that Trump is not the GOP nominee. It’s unclear if this means Polis believes Biden should be replaced, given he might lose Colorado and the White House to a generic Republican. When asked if he might return to DC for another job — presumably the presidency — Polis demurred and said he loves his life in the Rocky Mountain state. Some remarkable candor when asked a challenging question about the 2024 race.
Democrats certainly have a lot of choices available to them, if Biden chooses to step aside.